Huckleberry Finn Religion Analysis

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Huck Questions His Religion In the novel The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses American history when most African-American characters were represented as dolts. Twain uses characters caught between colliding cultures, national, regional, ethics, and religion. Huck realizes that society’s morals are mishandle, Huck wants to follow his own morals. The novel takes place in the South where slavery is allowed. Huck questions the morals and ethics of people living in the South and then questions what he morally believes. Jim represents the need of freedom in the pre-civil war in the South. The high point is race meaning that racism is regional in the South, the moral confusion Huck faces throughout the book. The South was still struggling with racism and the consequence of slavery. Early 1880s, the…show more content…
Huck had no option on religion he never rejected it but he never believe it in. Huck doesn’t stock in dead people so he loses interset in the story. There are two different sides to Huck. One is the subordinate, easily determine boy whom he becomes when under the "guide" of the racist and immoral Tom Sawyer. His persona surfaces is when he is on his own, thinking of his friendship with Jim and tormenting over which to trust: his heart or his conscience. When Huck's inner struggle with his own weak forces him to makes difficult and disputed choices, the reader sees a boy in torment of moral development. And it is, indeed, a struggle. For, although Huck believes in the rules of the rigidly racist and regional society in which he lives, a deeper and sounder part of him keeps making decisions that break those very same rules and will end up making a bad

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