Examples Of Psychological Underpinning

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There are many tests that asses how I am as a person overall, but what is my psychological underpinning or in other words my foundation? I have chosen to identify myself with functionalism. Functionalism can be defined as the methodology of the mental process, highlighting the functions and the purpose of the mind while also looking into the behavior in the individual’s adaptation to an environment. This kind of foundation allows the mind to be very elastic and adjust to a variety of environments, focus on social stability and share public values. However, it can also neglect the negative insinuations of social disorders. In addition Functionalism does not inspire people to take an active role in changing their social environment, even if it may behoove the individual.…show more content…
Out of the seven approaches, I identify myself with the sociocultural approach. This approach dissects what influences of social and cultural environments have on behavior. An individual’s action is a result of the environment they are exposed to for a long period of time. For example, when a young man punches a wall out of anger, it can be concluded that he has been around an environment that was violent or where he was not able to express himself freely, and as a result does not know how to. I consider myself as a result of this product, as I grew up in a relaxed yet strict African- American home and choose to express my anger by walking away and isolating myself, verses yelling to avoid getting in trouble. This attitude has carried out to the outside world, even if fear of getting reprimanded is not an emotion at the time because it is something that I have become accustomed

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