Examples Of Program-Based Evaluation

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REVISED: Program-Oriented Evaluation Approaches Presentation 1. Title page: Program-Oriented Evaluation Approaches Sandy Sunderland and James Moorhouse 2. Evaluation Evaluation theorists define ‘evaluation as the identification, clarification, and application of defensible criteria to determine an evaluation object’s value (worth or merit) in relation to those criteria”. They also stress that evaluators need to not only identify but also clarify the criteria being used to judge the program. (Fitzpatrick, Sanders, & Worthen, 2011, p. 7). 3. Program-Oriented Evaluation Approaches (Key) “Today many approaches to evaluation begin their focus with learning more about some key features of the program to be evaluated. These features then…show more content…
Theory-Based Evaluation Theory-based evaluation is used to develop a good understanding of the rationale of program. It is through this understanding, better evaluation questions are designed and good decisions as to what and when to measure concepts. Also, the evaluators will be able to explain the results and feedback to the stakeholders to enhance the use of the evaluation. 14. Program Theory in Education Program theory explains the rational of the program making logic model and program theory very similar. Sometimes logic models are used in program theory as tools and can be used in different stages of program and do not necessarily examine the rational of the program. The program theory examines the whole program and its rationale. 15. Stakeholder Fitzpatrick talks about Donaldson’s steps to create a balance of the different components of creating a program evaluation. He stresses the importance of including the stakeholders in each of the steps. A variety of stakeholders’ views, plausibility check, communication, program theory, and stakeholders’ approval are all necessary components of a theory-based evaluation. 16.…show more content…
How Program-Oriented Approaches Have Been Used Many organizations from private to government have used a variety of the program-oriented evaluation approaches. The development of taxonomies, programs, and legislature can trace their roots to objective-oriented program evaluation approaches. 18. Limitation Each of the program-oriented approaches have their limitations due to how narrow their focus. They does not take into account the program, context, or overall program success or failure. The approaches ignore any relationship between the problem and the program plus the value of the stakeholders. Evaluators are also limited in their authority due to the approach used. 19. Goal-Free Evaluation Scriven (1972) suggests that goal-free evaluation reduces bias occurring by knowing program goals and increases objectivity in judging programs. The internal evaluator is aware of the objectives whereas the external evaluator, while unaware of the program’s goals, can observe the unanticipated effects that would be missed. 20. Other theorist use Mixed Methods 21. How this approach would be most useful in a program within our schools The use of objectives, objectivity of an

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