Examples Of Privacy In 1984

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Privacy is a way to be able to have an individual expression within ourselves. It has been a long argument and controversy stating that the citizens of this country are having their privacy invaded through any technology source. There has been many inquiry investigations and theories relating to this specific topic. In the novel 1984 by George Orwell he gives a prediction of how our thoughts and ways to communicate freely will be invaded by spurious idols to scare the people to consume all the false information. There has been more reliable sources anyone can turn to, such as “That’s no phone. That’s my tracker” by Peter Maass and Megha Rajagopalan talk about how our source of technology can be a way to track and follow us every step we go, which is not good. Also “Our surveillance Society: What Orwell And Kafka Might Say” by Alan…show more content…
This is how the privacy is invaded using the novel and credible outside sources. George Wilson wanted to warn and prevent the use of controlling someone’s privacy. He admitted several examples and employed imagery to all his theories about the government being intrusive to everyone’s personal space. The novel 1984 stated, “The program of the Two Minutes Hate varied from day to day, but there was none in which Goldstein was not the principal figure” (Orwell, pg. 12). The people of Oceania believed that their enemy was a strong depraved luminary which was Goldstein. The Two Minute hate was a way that anyone could represent unlimited hate towards Oceania’s worst enemy. Any person that contradicted and worshiped Goldstein secretly was automatically observed and took into consideration to later being punished. The novel also states, “Smith! Yelled a voice
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