The Lack Of Privacy In George Orwell's '1984'

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While reading ‘1984’, written by George Orwell, on the coloured chairs on the grass of Harvard University I did not realize the impact that this novel had on humankind. The society that Orwell illustrates feels unreal and distant compared to ours. However, after studying the novel in class I came to a different insight. Yet, we don’t live in a world where clocks are striking thirteen, but the similarities are present and of significance, especially the ones concerning our privacy. ‘1984’ is not just a novel that describes a world in which there is a lack of privacy, it is a story that remains fresh and contemporary as in our society nowadays “Big Brother”, “doublethink” and “newspeak” are well-known terms all around the Globe. Not to mention, that people refer to “Orwellian” when they mean anything repressive or totalitarian.…show more content…
It is hard to imagine that you are always being looked at, not only by telescreens but also by your own family members and friends. Children are turning in their parents like it is a common thing to do/ the most normal thing/act. Even your personal thoughts are not totally private from Big Brother because of the Thought police. “The smallest thing could give you away. A nervous tic, an unconscious look of anxiety, a habit of muttering to yourself--anything that carried with it the suggestion of abnormality, of having something to hide” would cause you to be captured, tortured, and executed, then vaporized into something that never

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