Examples Of Injustice In To Kill A Mockingbird

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The Relevance of Injustice in Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird For decades, injustice has been a very prominent issue everywhere in the world. Not only with race, but also with gender, social class, and sexuality. To Kill A Mockingbird perfectly demonstrates this idea of injustice in the early twentieth century. The Finch family, Robinson family, and the Radley family all have to deal with injustice, just in very different ways. Moreover, I believe that Harper Lee’s To Kill A Mockingbird clearly demonstrates how injustice is very prominent in the 1930’s and how it caused the society to revolt on itself. Not only do the Finch family have to deal with injustice because of the court case, but also because of sexism and age. In the beginning of To Kill A Mockingbird, Scout is treated badly by her teacher because her teacher does not believe that children that age should know how to read and write. In chapter two, Scout says, “...she discovered that I was literate and looked at me with more than faint distaste” (Lee 17). This is not the only example of how injustice is very prominent at this point in time, Aunt Alexandra also demonstrates this very actively. She not only tells Scout that she is not lady like, but that the way Scout is acting is like a man. This shows…show more content…
Arthur “Boo” Radley is just a misunderstood man who lives with his brother, who everyone seems to know and like. Boo unfortunately stabbed his father at the age of 33. There is no incent as to why, but I believe that his father was abusive and that Boo has some type of mental disorder. This was not uncommon back then, but it was also not understood. Everyone in the town is afraid of Boo, and the Finch family happens to live right across the street from them. The reader can tell that Boo is, in actuality, not a malevolent ghost as he is described to be. Toward the beginning of the text, Jem describes Boo
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