Examples Of Experiential Learning

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Effective learning is seen when a person progresses through a cycle of four stages: of (1) having a concrete experience followed by (2) observation of and reflection on that experience which leads to (3) the formation of abstract concepts (analysis) and generalizations (conclusions) which are then (4) used to test hypothesis in future situations, resulting in new experiences(Kolb 2008). However, effective learning only occurs when a learner is able to execute all four stages of the model. Therefore, no one stage of the cycle is an effective as a learning procedure on its own. A focus on the experiential' or action learning in the social and environmental context therefore should be an important element of the management education.Experiential…show more content…
Students learn through real life experiences and experience shapes a person‘s capacity to bundle or chunk knowledge from past experiences to shape future experiences (Buriak, McNurlen & Harper, 1996). We adopt the ELT framework as the basis of our process model for sustainability in management education for various reasons. First reason is that unlike the traditional learning theories ELT emphasizes learning as a process (Kolb, 1984), that focuses on learning as behavioral or cognitive outcomes. This strongly fits to our expectation of transformational change for sustainability. Research proposition 1- Participants who undergo experiential learning significantly show pro environmental intentions. Research proposition 2- Participants who undergo experiential learning significantly engage in pro-environmental…show more content…
In Kolb’s ELT model the learner undergoes four bases—experiencing, reflecting, thinking, and acting—in order to transform an experience effectively into learning (Kolb & Kolb, 2005). Management education currently emphasizes on grasping and understanding the sustainability issues through case studies, projects, assignments on the subject. This is certainly needed but is not complete as having (grasping) an experience without doing anything with it (transforming) is not sufficient. That means transformation cannot occur unless the experience is acted upon. Hence, the proposed model suggests learner be put into tangible situations or events related to sustainability issues (concrete experiences) as the basis for descriptive processing of causal relationships and (reflective observations), which are then assimilated and distilled into conceptual interpretations of issues and their solutions (abstract conceptualization), which ultimately become the basis for action that of testing the idea in the real world (active experimentation). This fourth step of testing ideas in the real world leads to generation of new experiences for the learner and triggers another cycle of learning. Individuals need to experience all four stages of learning to gain maximum transformative benefits

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