Theories Of Industrial Relations Theory

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Introduction Over the course of this assignment I am going to find what the best theory of industrial relations is in my opinion. By doing this I am going to discuss the 3 main theories and then select which one I feel is the most appropriate. I am also going to show examples of the theory of industrial relations that I use have been put into practise in my work placement and in other work places in Ireland. I will outline the strengths of my chosen theory and the weaknesses of the two other theories that I have not chosen. Aims and objectives of the assignment • To enable me to be able to develop a greater understanding into the subject material on their course. • To achieve more understanding on the different theories of industrial…show more content…
• To gain essential understanding doing this assignment • To be able to find relevant and correct information • To do this assignment to the finest of my ability Scope During the course of this assignment I discussed the three main theories of industrial relations which are pluralist, unitary and Marxist. I also included the features of each theory. During the conclusion I select which one that I felt was the best approach and included the strengths of my choice and the weaknesses of the other two theories. I also did a survey in order to discover other people opinion on which they felt was the best. I also did three surveys as part of my primary research Methodology and presentation I used books, articles and websites in order to find information. I used survey monkey in order to design the survey that I distributed to the different companies. I used three different companies in order to survey in an effort to be able to get different perspectives.…show more content…
They believe that society is composed of a variety of individuals, interests and social groups who are all in pursuit of their own objectives. Employees are authorized to be in trade unions which are good as they lend a hand to employees in highlighting their decision making power and it also assistances them to challenge management privilege (Kaufman 2008: 320). This theory identifies trade unions as lawful representative organizations which permit groups of employees to encourage management decisions (Rose, 2008). Rose also states that the pluralist viewpoint would seem to be much more relevant than the unitary perspective in the investigation of industrial relations in many large unionized organizations and matching with developments in contemporary society. This can be done through collective bargaining which aids better industrial relations stability than exclusion of trade

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