Corporate Social Responsibility Analysis

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INTRODUCTION The shared goal of social entrepreneurship, corporate social responsibility and social innovation is the advancement of society. The business model of social enterprises is characterized by unique strategies based on the competencies of the entrepreneurs, and is not aimed primarily at the maximization of profits, but rather at carrying out goals for the benefit of society. Corporate social responsibility refers to the active behaviour of a company, by which it can create new solutions to meet the needs of society, either on its own or in cooperation with other social stakeholders. The objectives of this article are to define concepts, describe and integrate relevant theoretical models, develop a model and introduce some examples…show more content…
The approach to corporate social responsibility has a history of over half a century. The personal responsibility of corporate leaders emerged in the 1930s, and a movement towards taking responsibility for the consequences of the operation of a company and responsibilities towards society strengthened in the 1960s. The corporate situation has undergone major changes: globalization (Fülöp, 2015), growth in the size of firms, economic powers, negative externalities and various corporate scandals leading to a loss in trust towards companies and the strengthening of the corporate social responsibility movement. Corporate social responsibility can be traced back to ethical consequences, showing true development of business ethics in business practice (Institute of Business Ethics, 2009). The philosophical approach has been replaced by a business approach, with research finding that it is increasingly worthwhile for companies to behave responsibly (Carroll & Shabana, 2010:85–105). The concept of corporate social responsibility has broadened: CSR is a voluntary managerial approach to sustainable development (Steurer et al., 2005:263–28). The question these days is not whether CSR is justified in existing, but rather how to implement it (United Nations Global Compact,…show more content…
Between the government sector and the private sector – the two extreme values – can be found the non-governmental organizations (NGOs) that form the basis of the social economy sector. These appear in different forms, among them various associations, cooperatives, and mutual. A separate group is the group of NGOs that possess some kind of publicly acknowledged special features. One example is trade unions, another is religious organizations (churches), which both fall into the category of "other NGOs". Considering these types of groups, the most typical organizational form in the social economy sector is the non-profit organization. From that point of view, profit-oriented organizations can be said to form the other extreme. For instance, a hospital can be operated on a for-profit or non-profit basis, while meeting the same societal needs. It would be possible for these activities to be organized directly by the government, or through an associated sector (government organizations or near-government organizations). The novelty in social enterprises is that they would be capable of taking on all of the functions of any of the organizations mentioned so far in such a way that design and implementation tasks are carried out based on commercial-sector models in approach, attitude and
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