Cause Of Conflict In Construction

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Research of conflict in construction industry had been conducted shown that conflict is not controlled to a specific national system. From the book titled “Dispute Resolution & Conflict Management in Construction”, it evaluated several of legal systems of 20 countries from Europe and North America to the Middle East and Asia (Fenn et al, 1998). It also established that conflict in construction industry may due to other complementary conflict which related to the nature or location of the country, social, political, cultural, religion and environmental features. However, Daoud & Azzam (1999) focused the cause of conflict in the Middle East construction industry. It revealed that there are five main cause of construction conflict; there are…show more content…
Explanations of the cause of conflict were come up by the researches and divided them into two type; proximate cause and roof cause. Summarized of proximate cause and roof cause conducted by Kumaraswamy (1997) was listed in Appendix 1. Diversities between the consultant, client and contractor as the cause of construction grievance impelled him to differentiate between “proximate cause” and “roof cause”. According to Gould (1999), possible conflicts in construction industry are unproven to be the result of roof cause. For example, conflict arise might due to un-proficiency of project contributor, deficiency of determination, insufficient of information provided by the client. In additional, immediately apparent of cause are the proximate causes such as client slow response or change by the client. Consequently, these proximate causes may lead to…show more content…
A questionnaire survey was carried out with contractor, consulatnt and client organization in Nigeria. From the questionnaire they observe that the conflict in Nigerian construction project was cause by the finace and payment arrangemnt, poor management, shortage in materials, inaccurate estimation and over price fluctuations. Ogulana & Promkutong (1996) also conducted a study on construction conflict in Thailand. From the research they found that conflict faced by the construction indusrty in Thailand could be the shortage of inadequate in industry infransture. Caused by client and consultant and cause by contractor
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