Examples Of Career Development

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DEVELOPMENTAL PROGRAMMES: 1. Mentoring: Some organizations assign an experienced employee to serve as a mentor for new employees. A mentor is a trusted counselor, coach or advisor who provides advice and assistance. Effective mentors teach these new employees a number of things, which include: 1. Provide instruction in specific skills and knowledge critical to successful job performance. 2. Help in socializing them in the culture of the organization and understanding the unwritten rules of the organization. 3. Answer questions and provide useful insights. 4. Offer emotional support and encouragement. 5. Serve as a role model. 6. Create an environment in which mistakes can be made without losing self-confidence. 2. Career Counseling: Most associations…show more content…
A few associations give work movement arrangements to every single new worker, while others do it just for extraordinarily brilliant and promising competitors. Career way data must be given to the representatives before a conceivable profession way can be graphed for them. 4. Career Development Programs: Career advancement incorporates any exercises that set up a man for movement along an assigned profession way. Profession development for the most part includes both formal and casual means. These projects might be led in-house or by outside sources, for example, proficient associations or schools and colleges and are composed by the T&D bureau of an association. INTERNAL MOBILITY: There is a possibility in associations that over a time frame a representative will change his part or position, starting with one employment then onto the next – horizontally or vertically in the association structure. This sort of representatives' development inside an association is known as interior versatility. Inner portability incorporates a bunch involving, may occur between employments in segment, segments, offices, division or even between plants in multi - plant…show more content…
It is recognition of a job well done by an employee. 2. It is a device to retain and reward and employee for his years of service to the company. 3. It is to increase individual and organizational effectiveness. 4. It is to promote a sense of job satisfaction in the employee. 5. It is to build loyalty, morale and a sense of belongingness in the employee. 6. It is to impress upon others that opportunities are open to them also in the organization, if they perform well. An internal mobility system also needs as supportive information system to make it viable. It is desirable to have a central, maintain a detailed inventory of the skills of all employees and coordinate all information – promo -table posts available, posts vacant, number of employees on transfer, permanent and temporary posts. When making internal mobility decisions, organizations tend to place emphasis on their objectives, filling job vacancies, eliminating employee surpluses, correcting behavioral problems, etc. Promotion maintains organizational effectiveness through maintenance of employee moral and favorable attitudes towards the organization. Demotions frequently used as from of disciplinary action since it represents loss of status and

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