Dan Miller Chapter Summaries

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In this book, Dan Miller, the author gives an overall picture of giving purpose for finding work that has meaning, purpose, and passion. He goes in detail not only on how to find a job, interviews tips, and writing resumes, but he clearly defines how the current job market is constantly changing. With that, he highlights how people change jobs on average once every two-three years. Miller does a great job explaining how one should seek a job, career, or vocation that aligns with your passionate, and not just one to pay the bills. He states that they are many unhappy and depressed people who have taken on a job, which they do not really want or have a desire to have. He also speaks about college students making informed decision when choosing a college major. Miller used examples where students only selected a career due to family influences; it was the current hot field or study, or peer influences. For example, in Chapter 3, he spoke of an attorney who studies law due to family influences. The attorney is very unhappy in his career. Using many biblical and spiritual quotes,…show more content…
Yes, it must incorporate how God has gifted you, and what you want to accomplish and be remembered, According to Miller, one must find a career that has purpose, in addition to having a life plan that includes your job, instead of centering in it. Too often we are defined by “what we do” instead of “who we are” and you want to achieve success in all areas of life and not just your career, according to Miller. In order to achieve success, we must create goals, write them down on paper, and stick to them. They can be short or long term from one week to five years. Goals can also be set to include personal development, and not just career development. Miller recommends seven areas of life to make goals: finances, physical, personal development, family, spiritual, social, and

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