Career Counselling In Botswana

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Contribution of career and counseling on the life of the University of Botswana student History of development of counseling in Botswana The rapid social and economic changes that occurred in Botswana following independence brought with them an evolving set of changes in the lives of individuals and a corresponding need for services and structures to ad¬dress these changes for example the breakdown of extended family system support. As noted by Navin (1992), the positive changes associated with the transition of Botswana into a modern society also brought with them a number of serious social challenges that are more common in modern societies, including increased rates of unemployment, crime, teenage pregnancy, and substance abuse. A crucial factor in the development of counseling in Botswana was the need for career guidance services for students. One important aspect of the goal of education in the country since…show more content…
Career Guidance helps the students to select the career according to their choice and interest. Career counselling is now being increasingly stressed as a vital part of education. In order to secure the right job, the right career choice is for most in the minds of every job pursuer with or without professional qualifications Career Counselling can be defined as the process of helping and enabling people in their career development. Career counselling and guidance may involve both face-to-face help or may be mediated through telephone, letter, text, or even the internet. However, most important of all remains the one-to-one interview between the career counsellor and the client. A career counsellor would be facing clients who are making career decisions and choices or coping with life changes, which relate to their working life. (Francis, Phil, 2012) What is a career

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