The Pros And Cons Of Privatization In Russia

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However, the sudden change in the social and economic system confused the Russian people, who had been used to living in a country that would tell everyone what to do. Therefore, they were unsure what to do in the sudden reformation. Essentially, “There was no commitment, no participation, and no prosperity”; “Inflation rate reached 245% in January 1992, suspicion gave way to fear” (Judah 27). The GDP in Russia decreased by 44%, consumption of meat decreased by 40% (21). What Yeltsin brought to Russia was neither liberty nor prosperity but chaos and poverty. Privatization was not a good system for everyone. Yeltsin divided shares of some state-owned businesses and gave them to individuals who didn't know what to do with them. Yeltsin left these people confused and didn't explain that these shares were essentially money. The country was in chaos and the people were desperate. Some people—many future oligarchs like Boris Berezovsky—seized their chance. These opportunists traded the “paper” with people at relatively cheap prices and soon gained large shares of businesses. They seized wealth and power that allowed them to manipulate Russian politics. These oligarchs agreed they would use their money to support Yeltsin if he could make sure a stake in the…show more content…
World War II is what ultimately caused India’s independence. Under the stress of war and at the United States’ request, Britain finally set India free in 1947. The result, however, was a break between the Muslims and Hindus within India. Muslims, under M. A. Jinnah’s lead, moved into the northwest of India, today Pakistan. Hindus and Muslims grew aggressive towards each other during the migration in and out of Pakistan, leading them to massacre one another. The unpleasant secession led to many years of fighting between the two

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