Etruscan Influence

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Greek and Etruscan Influence on Rome The conquest of Etruscan and Greek territories brought Rome into contact with Etruscan and Greek cultures. Many aspects of Roman life were affected by aspects of these other cultures, and were absorbed in to Roman society. Romans were able to reconcile with their own traits of tradition, order, and military prowess, with elements of these two cultures. Early Roman architecture was influenced by the Etruscan and Greeks, which can be seen in their temples, houses, and city planning. From the Etruscans, Rome gained the arch and vault (Lee 221). Furthermore, the first Roman temples were modeled on Etruscan Prototypes. Roman cities were built with a system of streets intersecting at right angles, a grid style also implemented in some Greek cities (“Roman Architecture”). Though influenced by Etruscan and Greek styles, Romans went on to develop new materials and techniques and…show more content…
The Romans, like the Greeks, emphasized the performance of rites to keep their gods from anger and gain their favor. Greek and Roman gods played very similar roles. Most of the Roman and Greek gods share enough features to be considered the same deity but with a different name. For example, the Greek god Zeus and the Roman god Jupiter both gods of thunder, and ruled over the other gods. Also, neither the Greek nor Roman religions had dogmas, sacraments, or belief in reward and punishment after death (Lee 225). However, their religions were not completely similar. Roman virtues of bravery, honor, self-discipline, reverence for one’s ancestors, and loyalty to country and family, were the heart of the Roman way, and were qualities which gave Rome the moral strength to achieve such greatness. The Roman’s virtues had almost no connection to their religion. Roman morality was drawn from patriotism and respect for authority and tradition (Lee

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