Figure 5.1 – Assessment of influence of factors of the external and internal environment on creation of new air carrier (Source: developed by author) As a result of the carried-out analysis it is possible make a conclusion that presently the recommended direction of strategic development corresponds to a state when it is necessary to implement the weakness - opportunity strategy (mini – maxi) directed on minimization of weaknesses of the enterprise and use of opportunities of the market of air transportation
values in the particular society. Using the Hofstede model, it allows us to identify the cultural context of the business organisation and how countries or regions are being influenced by culture belief and affect OD intervention (Sanjana, 2012). In OD intervention of contextual differences between national cultures, Hofstede identified 4 unique dimensions which are Power Distance, Uncertainty Avoidance, Individualism vs. Collectivism and Masculinity vs. Femininity (Sanjana, 2012). By examining this 4