Essay On Wellbeing

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Attaining and maintaining optimal health and wellbeing in a society is a must. To attain optimal health, lifestyle that is health-oriented should be emphasized. Moreover, wellbeing has a close connection to health because it is seen to have correlation in terms of addition of life years, recovery from illnesses, having positive health behaviors and positive outcomes, and has implications toward the relationship between patients and health care providers (Smedley, Stith, & Nelson, 2002). Essentially, wellbeing is an individual’s disposition of feeling good and functioning well, which also comprise his/her life experiences. This is also related to how the individual compares his/her life conditions with existing social norms and values (Keyes, 1998). However, the concept of social wellbeing is only fully understood when various factors are interwoven in a complex mix of social, political, psychological, environmental, economic and cultural aspects. These factors shape our perception of health, well-being and illnesses. This situation becomes more apparent when people migrate to other countries. This is also especially a concern if people who go to other countries and stay there are likely to suffer health and well-being issues. Such is true to Filipinos in different parts of the world as they are often at risk of living with mental health problems…show more content…
Appropriate ethical clearances and consent will also be sought from the University of Oslo Research Ethics Committee. Upon approval of the request to conduct the study, data gathering will commence by establishing rapport with the respondents, which will be done by contacting Filipino organizations/support groups in Oslo or other parts of Norway. Participation in activities and everyday realities of the community as well as interviews will be conducted for this

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