Essay On Chicago River

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Chicago, as one of the major cities in United States, is located at a significant location. It is sitting on the route of Chicago River, close to Mississippi River and is adjacent to the Lake Michigan. Water in Chicago not only has shaped its urban configuration and landscape, but also contributes to city’s community, culture and economy. Chicago and the Chicago River today takes decades of transformation. Chicago River and the connected canals have being incorporated by Chicagoan to transform their urban life and built environment for generations. The essay is going to research how Chicago’s urban landscape shaped by Chicago River to further examine the constraints and opportunities of urban water body to a city’s growth. The reversal of Chicago River is the main string of essay to illustrate the urban water environment from 19th century until today. It aims to argue that city’s built environment can not only be shaped by water, but also can reshape the water to create a synergized urban condition. Chicago River is probably the most contradict river in the world. It is flowing by skyscrapers, factories, neighbourhoods, and even backyards. Chicago River used to be the connection between Mississippi River and Chicago, then the development of canals made its own river system.…show more content…
Lake Michigan was covering the entire Chicago Region, and today’s floodplain of Chicago was the bottom of the ancient lake (Chapell 2007, p.23). It results Chicago's special landform. Chicago sits on a relatively flat plain with an average elevation of 176.5m above sea level. The lowest point at Lake Michigan is 176m above sea level, and the highest point is 224m above sea level at south (Gobster & Lynne 1998, p.20). The relatively flat landform was smoothed by waves of the lake back in time. As the lake drained towards southwest, Mount Forest was created by soil deposit with streams and swales around the southern Chicago

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