Summary Of Creation By David Sedaris

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David Sedaris wrote an autobiographical short essay, where he, using the peculiarities of language and mastering the words, had shown the extraordinary personality of his younger brother. The plot of the short story is simple, and that is its character. The narrator’s home had moved from New York to Raleigh, NC, when the father of the family was transferred there. All the Sedaris children were born in New York, except the youngest boy – Paul, the rooster. The elder children avoided stereotypes of their new environment, but Paul has grown up as a special hybrid of southern and northern types of life. He was allowed to use new slang words, he had the opportunity to smoke where and what he wanted, he had another type of communication with parents. That happened not because he wanted to show disrespect, but because he was the representative of another generation, another culture. Paul had his “free spirit” and succeeded to save it for the whole lifetime. David Sedaris is famous for his funny stories, and this one is not an exception. Still, not everyone agrees on this essay being a comedy. It is funny, because the author in an ironic way tells the readers about special features of his brother. As Dan O’Shannon mentioned, irony…show more content…
Sedaris is the one who succeeded in this craft. Still, not everyone finds the short story “You can’t kill the rooster” acceptable and laughable. Many people cannot appreciate the unique features of another individual, when they are not comprehended with the modern style of life. Not everyone likes the person who differs. Others do not like the fact, that the story is filled with slang words. When young people use them in their clique that is one side of the medal, but when the man is using them while communicating with parents, that could be understood as rude, but not ridiculous

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