Essay On Lack Of Education

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Have you ever wondered how your life would be if you were denied an education? Most children in developing countries do not have to wonder, as that is their reality. In 2011, fifty eight per cent of the children in South Sudan were denied their right to education (UNESCO, 2011). Sadly, education in this day and age is something taken for granted and lightly by children who have the opportunity. As people who do have this privilege, it is our responsibility to try to make it accessible to those who do not, for education should be a right to every child around the world and is just as important as having clean water. Nelson Mandela (2003) once said, “Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world”. The future of…show more content…
According to Shephard (2010), approximately seventy million kids are prohibited from going to school each day across the globe. This is usually due to the fact that working-class parents send their children to work instead of school. In such socioeconomic structures, children are viewed as economic assets and are crucial contributors to labor. In developing countries, poverty tends to be both the root cause and the consequence of a lack of education. Children who are educated will have greater qualifications, which is likely to increase their employment opportunities during adulthood. This, in turn, will help to ensure higher living conditions and prospects. On the other hand, working-class parents tend to have low skills and low qualifications as a result of incomplete education (JFR, 2007). Not being able to provide tuition fees for their children will likely constitute them entering adulthood with the same lack of qualifications and skills as their parents, and thus the cycle of poverty would continue. Numerous studies have linked the absence of education to higher crime rates and unemployment rates. The state should work to sponsor the education of children born to families that cannot afford
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