Essay On Health Disparities

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Among ethnic and racial groups, health disparities commonly exist in their community. It is difficult for minorities to reach health equity due to social determinants such as; low socioeconomic status, access to health care, and education (Edelman, Kudzma, & Mandle, 2013). The different stakeholders that are responsible for reducing racial and health disparities include the USDHHS, Health People 2020, WHO, and the CDC. The roles of these stakeholders are important for maintaining healthy behaviors. The U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (USDHHS) is an agency that serves to provide effective health and human services to protect the well-being of Americans (HHS, 2018). Their role to reduce health disparities focuses on certain racial groups, limited English proficient persons, people with disabilities, and the elderly. The USDHHS also works with the Office of Civil Rights (OCR) to ensure that what the agency is doing, complies with the federal civil rights laws (HHS, 2018). A service that the USDHHS provides is a description of the different civil rights for…show more content…
The ability to understand what the differences in access and quality of health care received is difficult for certain groups who do not have the education to know that. Individuals with less education are more likely to experience an increase of health risks (CDC, 2015). The environment that a person lives in, also affects the risk of disease. Due to barriers such as income, they are unable to move into a safer environment. The stakeholder's responsibility is to focus on reducing pollution in certain areas and providing easy access to healthier foods. Culture affects health disparities because it affects perception the causes of disease, how health should be improved, approaches to health promotion, and the types of treatment a person

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