Aboriginal Colonization Effects

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This essay will focus on the impact and effects of colonization on aboriginal people health and housing areas. Before the settlement of British, Aboriginal peoples were lived in an ethnic group and were nomadic. They main living along the shores of the harbor, self-sufficient and harmonious. The housing of Aboriginal mostly consist of simple materials, such as framework of straight branches and covered it by sheets of bark and leafy branches. They did not stay for a place for a long period and moved from place to place to a search of food and water. Therefore, Aboriginal people caught fish and shellfish from the sea, lakes and rivers. They were good at hunted kangaroos, possums, lizards, and birds, collected plants for medical use. They also…show more content…
Initially, they probably migrated from Southeast Asia. The European colonists two hundred year to Australia, Aboriginal population suddenly drop because of the ensuing bloody war for the land and resources. And the European bring many diseases to indigenous populations. The indigenous people did not have antibody for these European diseases. The population had a devastating disaster. Several times, many people were infected with the disease and lead to infertility. In the other hand, the British settlement decreases the access to land and water resources for Aboriginal. The British claimed that the land was terra nullius because the Indigenous people had no system of land, no agriculture, no animal breeding and no houses. The loss of land and other essential resources for Aboriginal such as water and food lead to people who were left with no place to live and nowhere to hunt food. Moreover, with the increase of disease among the people, Aboriginal people had dramatically reduced for survival. The living style of the Aboriginal people were mostly affected by the British settlement, mainly in health and housing…show more content…
(Cohen 1999) Bush Medicine is same as Chinese Tradition Medicine and also use the medicine property inside the herbs, plants, and natural substances to achieve the medical function. Bushing medicine and healing have been practiced by indigenous people worldwide for centuries and it is all about the culture, experience and test. Today, these tradition medicines are not common use by the Aboriginal people. Because of the indigenous people have experience the assimilation and the stolen generation. The Children were asked to give up their own identity, culture and instill the wrong message that the Aboriginal culture is not decent. Along the British arrive at Australia, They bring different Europe diseases and bad habits to indigenous people. The indigenous people were fragile in these European diseases and start to contact with drugs, alcohol and unhealthy food. In addition, British settlers introduced alcohol to Aboriginal people. Aboriginal people thought that alcohol made them more powerful, British settlers did not teach them anything about the harm it might do to their minds and bodies. They even share the alcohol with Aboriginal men and encourage them to fight each other, often to the death. (D’Abbs 1987)Furthermore,
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