Analyzing The Essay 'The Land Ethic' By Aldo Leopold

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Introduction When many years had passed since conclusion, and Odysseus still had not returned from fighting in the Trojan War, it was the general consensus that he had died. Little did the masses know, he was being held captive and would fight an epic battle that would test every single iota of his constitution to return to his wife, son and the people of Ithaca. His wife and his teenage son never lost hope that he was alive. Through hoards of suitors, many naysayers and their own fears, they maintained that faint ember of hope that someday he would return. The story of Odysseus had been engrained in our culture as a metaphor about perseverance against insurmountable odds. When I read the essay “The Land Ethic”, by Aldo Leopold, I thought this pertinent to describing the current state of our conservation on the land, and where we have landed since the essay was written. I. Summary of “The Land Ethic” In 1949, Biologist, Aldo Leopold presented the public with new views on how we treat the land around us in a persuasive essay, a part of his book “A Sand County Almanac”. Coming out of the time of Gifford Pinchot…show more content…
Claiming in the current age that a plant or animal’s perceived worth was based merely on how profitable they are. Plants and animals that were deemed useless, such as predatory animals, certain plants and biomes such as wetlands were done away with if they proved to be an inconvenience. In order for conservationist to raise points as to why a species should be saved, they had to prove their economic value. Furthermore, It was not taken into consideration, and it was, in some cases, later proven, that many things have a purpose in their environment, even though it may not be apparent at the time; moreover, these organisms have a right to live and to

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