Essay On Dog Training

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CHAPTER FIVE Success in the dog training process: Training dogs of the finest scenes in the animal world, and supports this science to the studies of the behavior and the natures and habits of dogs, and the dogs many exercises what is in such exercises of obedience and viciousness, some of which is special, such as: training dogs to lead the blind, to track criminals and terrorists, detect drugs and explosives, especially in circumstances beyond human normal for disclosure. Public workouts a jam that concern ordinary: teach dogs all customs and ethical conduct, obedience commands, and guard facilities, money and personalities. This type of training is the one who will talk about in detail.So that allocates certain quotas for the dog in his…show more content…
5) The word No you should use a sharp loudly and carries all the emotions of anger expressions, at the same time who pronounce which these words will draw dog, strongly dogfight of a series of training so that hurt him to know well after repeating this attempt that this action was a mistake and that anger you, and it will not try that displeases you Then. 6) But the word Yes or Bravo must be used with the dog by tone of love and happiness, so when the dog performs which requested it. And shall be delivered using this phrase is linked at the same moment with playing your hands on his body and all its tenderness. Preferably all this love be linked to reward as a form of appreciation and encouragement. Yes or Bravo the word that meaning, fully satisfied and it means that there are rewarding Faure discretionary him. 7) Do not teach the dog more than one training course in the same lecture of training to not to get him confused. Do not move him from the lesson unless completely mastered the lesson that you learn, and repeat it more than once, and without using chain

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