Essay On Commonwealth Of Nations

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THE ACHIEVEMENTS AND FAILURES OF THE COMMONWEALTH ORIGIN OF THE COMMONWEALTH The Commonwealth of Nations was founded by the British Empire in 1926. It is an intergovernmental association that is made up of 53 sovereign states and consists of states which were former territories of the British empire. However, some countries such as Samoa, Papua New Guinea and Namibia are member states as a result of their link with other states rather than with the British Empire. Furthermore, countries such as Rwanda and Mozambique have never been colonies of Britain and have no cultural or historical link with the British empire and yet are members of the Commonwealth. The founding members of the Commonwealth include the United Kingdom, Newfoundland, the Union of South Africa, the Irish Free State and Canada. The term ‘Commonwealth of Nations’ was first used to describe the relationships between Britain and her territories by Lord Rosebery in Australia in the year 1884. After the first world war, a definition depicting the relationship was sought. Finally, at the 1926 meeting, the following definition was agreed upon "They are autonomous Communities within the British Empire, equal in status, in no way subordinate one to another in any aspect of their domestic or external affairs, though united by a common allegiance to the Crown,…show more content…
The Commonwealth, therefore, provides technical assistance to aid the rapid development of these nations. The formation of the Commonwealth has also help promote peace, unity and oneness among member states, despite their diverse culture and ethnic background. Through the Commonwealth the interests of the nations are protected. The Head of Government meeting held biannually is a gathering where the Leaders of the Commonwealth deliberate on issues of concern, make useful suggestions and agree on policies and laws in their
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