Essay About My Father

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At the very young age of sixteen, I lost the man who I admired the most in my life- my father. Before the death of my father, my family was beyond blessed because this special, brave- hearted man rose up and became a father figure to my brother and me because our biological father did not want a part in our life. The death of my stepfather was a living nightmare. After receiving the call of the injury of my “father” and soon to be his death, I realized this was an obstacle I was going to have to face forever. If not for him and his inspiration throughout his life, I would not be the person I am to this day. My family bond was close and blessed with this man who brought us all together. He was an outgoing and tender man. Even though my brother and I did not have a blood connection to him, he was still the man that we considered to be our dad. My brother was the age four and I was still in my mother's womb when she met my father. My mother and I would have not survived if it was not for him on the day of my birth. He had to rush my mother to the hospital before she bled to death due to complications. This man became my hero from…show more content…
Each and every day I reflect back to the inspirational things he spoke in my life and taught me and try to engage in them. My father was an inspirational figure to many people, such as to my cousins, his fellow clients at JVAC, his friends, and of course myself. During the tragic lost of my father, I had to push through this difficult time and keep pushing forward with my future. I learned so much about life, such as all the struggles and all the good times through this living nightmare. The tragedy of losing the person who had the biggest impact and inspiration on my life, my father, was a very tremendous life changing time in my life that I look upon every single day of my life and will till I take my very last
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