Equal Pay Act 1970

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The policy that is going to be critically analysed in this essay is the primary Equal Pay Act 1970. Although this is not the most recent policy in the area of equality and more specifically, gender equality, it is a fascinating and an importance piece of legislation that has influenced many other policies succeeding it. The Equal Pay Act 1970 sole aim was to prevent the discrimination, in the terms and conditions of employment, between men and women. Reid (1975) understands that legislation aims for the acceptance of difference as they actually exist and the adaptation of social norms affecting work and career needs to the needs of personal fulfillment without differentiation on sex lines. The Equal Pay Act 1970 incorporates this because it…show more content…
Noon (1997) states that the physical differences between men and women are often exaggerated to benefit men. The differences that are biological only limit each gender in a small range of takes and most are not work related. This is one way that women are hindered. This hindrance is a historical entity that will be difficult to change as it is perceived to be natural. Gender differences are strongly implemented from birth. The socialisation of people is greatly gendered and by this predominate view, behaviours and ideology are enforced upon people. Even from early childhood, children are encouraged to play with toys that are gendered and reflecting jobs in the labour market. Noon (1997) states that men acquire an appropriation to technical effectiveness which makes them familiar with the control over machinery. This is important in constructing a skills identity. For example, boys will play with DIY tools and girls will play with dolls and babies. As a consequence men and women are believed to be suited to different things when they get older. This is not the issue. What is the issue within society is the perception that one is more valuable than the other. From a functionalist point of view, all skills are needed for a fully functional productive society but it is not fair for the majority of female centred occupations to be lower in pay. Noon (1997) states that the process of maintaining male dominance and power involves several converging practices: accumulation of bodily capabilities, the definition of tasks to match them and selective design of tools and machines. Noon (1997) shows that industrial technology reflects male power as well as capitalist domination. It is clear that by the way people are socialised into gendered identities, it is going to be practically impossible to move away from the fact that
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