Pros And Cons Of Pay Equity In The Workplace

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Pay Equity You know how we all have a cheat day on our diet? Well, this cheat day happens every day and especially on your pay day. But guess what? Only if you are a woman. Nowadays, women are being underpaid at the workplace. For instance, you work at a firm and as a woman, you are completely qualified for your job. At this firm you have a male partner who is as qualified as you are, yet he still receives a more surpassing pay. For every dollar a man makes, a woman makes 79 cents. Women everywhere in the United States are being paid less at the workplace for either their race, gender, and or ethnicity. Private companies, government, industries, and commercial establishments should equally pay men and women across the U.S. to break the…show more content…
For example according to the Regender Organization, three primary legislation or bills have been passed over the years; these include the Civil Rights Act, Fair Labor Standards Act, and the Fair Pay Act. These acts were made to enforce and apply pay equity for every job America has to offer. In 1963, women were beginning to gain progress with their rights. At that time, according to the Time Magazine, the president of the U.S. Chambers of Commerce had stated that even though he did sign the bill to the Equal Pay Law, he thought women might just be too costly. Over time women have been able to move up the pyramid of careers and positions within them that were usually run by…show more content…
This is a concerning amount of time before pay equity is implemented once and for all. “The female to male ratio has not shown the significant annual increase since 2007. “ - American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees. Will there ever be progress made? The gender is in action of discriminating women all over the U.S but through their paycheck. “Women earn an average 77% of what their male partners make." This means that women have to work approximately 60 extra days of about three months to receive what their male partners did by the end of the year.” - Pew Research Organization. Opponents to this say that if women want equal pay, they should stand up for it. Guess what? They are. Ally Abot of the Huffington Post stated, “With all the work needed to be put into making a fair salary, women tend to get busy with their work and do not have time to deal with everything.”. For every woman shattering the glass ceiling, there are much more trapped in low-wage jobs and working conditions that don't look very different from those at the start of the women's movement. Annette Bernhardt, in her article “The Wal-Mart Trap” said, “Since 1973, the gender gap in wages has almost been cut in half, but women still earn significantly less than men, and are still

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