Cesar Chavez Women's Rights Movement Analysis

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Throughout history, Women and Latinos have faced major injustices in the social and legal equality system, as they have been limited in their amount of opportunities being given due to being the inferior sex or minority group. Women had limitations in all if not the majority of the aspects of life ranging from education, life of their family, and employment. Women lived a pointless life for themselves as they were treated unequally with fewer rights compared to men and had to follow societal influences that dictated how they were going to spend their life. Women did not live for themselves but as a caretaker of men, looking and cleaning up after them before the wave of feminism emerged. The women’s rights movement also known as “second…show more content…
In 1964, the Bracero Program brought Latino laborers into the United States of America to substitute for the American men serving. This program still continued after but in 1966, striking workers became the victims of verbal and physical attacks through their non-violent peaceful demonstrations. They went on strike in peace, but once the American men were back and jobless, all the blame was put on the Latinos for taking their source of income. On March 17, 1966 Cesar Chavez gathered one hundred farm workers and began his journey to the San Joaquin Valley, within a short period of time his followers went from hundreds to thousands. In the following year of 1968, March 6th, ten thousand students calmly walked out of their schools also with their gaurdians and other supporters known as a walkout, a sort of protest or strike, but as that walk failed, another walk was done on March 7th when the students had another walkout for two weeks until their wants were met. In Demands Made by East Side High School Students Listed by Jack McCurdy, McCurdy says how parents and students were dissatisfied with the education system and created walkouts, “Complaints charge that the school district is failing to educate the Mexican- American children…” (McCurdy 1). The Latino kids in school didn’t feel as if they had the same education and learning opportunities as the Americans did. Latinos faced many of the same hardships as women did in fighting for equal education in the public education system. Although Latinos were given the opportunity to obtain an education, women had to fight to receive an education all together as women were meant for domestic life and the men received an education in order to provide the

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