Enormous Wings

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It is well known that the human nature is ambivalent, meaning that it includes both positive and negative attributes. Negative attributes can attract disturbing instances of a negative life response to the individual itself or to others. For years, philosophers and writers, have attempted to explain or illustrate the adverse side of a human being. Gabriel Garcia Marquez, a novelist and one of the greatest writers of the 20th century, was one of them. Gabriel Garcia Marquez’s exceled at using a vivid and descriptive language in “A Very Old Man with Enormous Wings”. The story line was narrated using imagery techniques that appeared effectively to the reader’s human senses, allowing him to feel and visualize every detail of the story. Marquez’s…show more content…
When Pelayo and Elisenda realized that people’s curiosity brought them to their house to see the “angel” with their own eyes, they decided to charge them to see him. They took advantage of the “divine” assigned nature, and started to accumulate a fortune from such a profitable business, ”her spine all twisted from sweeping up so much marketplace trash, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel, “Elisenda, her spine all twisted from sweeping up so much marketplace trash, then got the idea of fencing in the yard and charging five cents admission to see the angel” (Marquez 554). The reality is that Pelayo and Elisenda were selfish and only cared for themselves. They built a new bigger house with the money that they saved from the admission that they charged to see the angel. Pelayo quit his job and in general the family’s life style and comfort showed the financial improvement. However, neither Pelayo nor Elisenda showed any consideration for the angel. The poor old man with wings was kept in the same conditions since the beginning, “The chicken coop was the only thing that didn’t receive any attention. If they washed it down with creolin and burned tears of myrrh inside it every so often, it was not in homage to the angel but to drive away the dungheap stench that still hung everywhere like a ghost and was turning…show more content…
These responses could be cruel, mean, and self-fish and lambast to those who live outside the norm. In addition, the author shows us that in an out of the norm situation, a superficial judgment could be deceptive. In this case appearance was deceptive. Garcia Marquez offered an excellent example of magic realism, through which in an imagery way, the reader could learn about the negative aspects of the human nature. This learning should be used to improve the quality of the human essence, the way how to proceed, or react when the inexplicable or out of the norm shows in

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