English Language In India

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The present study has proceeded to this concluding chapter through the previous three chapters according to the following plan – 1. ESL in India: A historical perceptive. 2. Curriculum Design (ESL) : The present Scenario 3. The Efficacy and Implementation of E.S.L. Curriculum. 4. Conclusion. In first chapter ‘ESL in India: A historical perceptive’, a discussion about the historical perceptive of English language in India has been carried out. A historical survey of how English has entered in India and how it has become a subject in India has shown that many English administrative officers, missionaries, and many British commissions were responsible to cultivate English in Indian soil. The history of English language in India dates back to…show more content…
This clause laid the foundation of English Education in India. During this period, there was a tremendous demand for the teaching of English. To meet this demand Raja Ram Mohan Roy and others established the Hindu college in1817. Soon the Missionaries too opened a few colleges and schools in India. Lord Macaulay was appointed a legal advisor to the council of Governor General in India. He was in favour of English Education, he interpreted the word ‘English literature’ in his own fashion, and strongly recommended that the spread of western learning could only be possible through the medium of English language. Lord Bentinck, then Governor General of India, declared that the main aim of the British Government was to promote Western science and literature. He did not boycott the institution of oriental learning, but gave preference to the English Education, especially English literature and Western…show more content…
2) English or modern European language. 3) Hindi (for non-Hindi areas or another Indian language for Hindi speaking areas. The three language formula was never implemented practically because of two reasons - the Hindi speaking area people were not ready to learn additional Indian language, and Non- Hindi areas resisted to learn Hindi language. The modified version of the three language formula was devised by the Kothari Commission as - 1) The mother tongue or the regional language; 2) The official language of the nation (Hindi) or the associate official language (English) . 3) A modern Indian or foreign language not covered under 1 and 2 and other than that used as the medium of instruction. Indian Education Commission was appointed as a committee under Dr. D.S.Kothari as the president and J.P.Naik as its secretary. This commission is generally referred to as Kothari Commission. The Kothari Commission recommended following improvements in the education pattern known as 10+2+3 pattern. 1. Ten years of general Secondary Education. 2. Two years course especially of vocational education. 3. Three years Degree

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