British Culture Essay

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Being an Indian, we have heard many times and read from many books of how the Britishers left India in ruins – politically as well as in wealth – when they ended the British Raj and left. However, over the many years that the English did control India, not only did India become westernized, but the British too, became Indianized along the way and adopted many cultures, mannerisms, cuisine and etiquettes that were of Indian heritage and origin. Many of these mannerisms were adopted before the Industrial Revolution of England and many after and during the Second World War. Out of all of them, one of the most profound influences has been on the British diet. Food: The first of the few things that influenced British culture was…show more content…
Indian spices were the most important part of the cultural and dietary changes in Britain. The cookery books of the 15th century show how spices were being used since those times in English cooking. Many other commodities became important and changed the eating habits of the Britons. After the 18th century, due to the East India Company merchants, London became the wealthiest spice market in the world. Spices were also used in medicine and were considered as fashionable remedies for minor ailments. In those times, miasma was said to be a carrier of diseases and hence, spices like cinnamon and ginger were some of the many aromatic spices that were burned to sweeten the air. Sports: Not only did the Britons adopt Indian food habits, but also their sport. One of the most famous sport that originated in India is Polo, which the Britishers adopted as sport in their own country. It is a sport played on horseback with the use of mallets. The early Maharajas of India played it and later on introduced it in the Indian Army. It had originated in the state of Imphal situated in the northeast corner of India. This sport became famous amongst the Englishmen in the Assam plantations.

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