Objectives Of Territorial Cohesion

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Objectives and Indicators of Territorial Cohesion Maria Vasilescu (Dumitrascu), Junior Assistant, PhD Student Claudia Mariana Mungiu-Pupazan, PhD Lecturer “Constantin Brancusi” University of Tirgu-Jiu Abstract: Territorial cohesion, a concept that has gained important interest, implies the recognition of territorial diversity and the need to build on this diversity in order to generate development. Territorial cohesion relates fundamentally to policy coherence as it is related to territory; it is an added value of cohesion policy. The ratification of Lisbon Treaty represents the moment when “Territorial Cohesion” has been added as an official policy aim of the EU to its previous aims of economic and social cohesion. Thus, the process of…show more content…
What is territorial cohesion? “What is territorial cohesion?” is, undoubtedly, the most important and most complex key questions of any approach, seeking to mark the limits of the latest aspect of the cohesion policy, a question that can receive interesting replies from different perspectives formulated precisely because discussing territorial cohesion means to measure various aspects of socio-economic life, and depending on what is measured, cohesion issues can be very different and very challenging. The concept of territorial cohesion was introduced in the Commission’s second report on social and economic cohesion, arguing that ‘spatial balances could be conceived not only in terms of GDP per capita but also geographically, that is by focusing on regions that faced particular challenges such as border regions, mountainous regions or islands’ [3]. The Lisbon Treaty represents the moment when “territorial cohesion” has been added as an official policy aim of the EU to its previous aims of economic and social cohesion. Thus, the process of defining this concept of “territorial cohesion” has become the task of the Commission and EU Member…show more content…
Each of them were directly or indirectly delimited by the Green Paper or one of the six Cohesion Reports and used as a foundation to establish coherent key indicators useful in measuring territorial cohesion from the local to a global level

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