Spanking Children Research Paper

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Spanking kids is a very controversial form of punishment that parents everywhere are unsure about. Many parents try to stay away from corporal punishment or spanking their kids. They think that it is a form of abuse, so they go to other methods of punishment such as grounding them. This is a good form of punishment, but they are missing out on the better effects that spanking has on their kid. Although grounding the child can be an effective way of disciplining it. Spanking them will make a longer and greater effect if done correctly. At a younger age, grounding children does not work as well as some may think. Young toddlers don't have the technology that older teens have now. They aren't addicted to a cellphone or a game console. Putting…show more content…
A law states that, "In Texas, corporal punishment becomes child abuse when it "results in substantial harm to a child." As a practical matter in Texas, that means a physical injury that leaves a mark, like bleeding and bruising" (Nicks 1). When a parent spanks a child that hard or that many times to where it makes them bleed then yes, that is child abuse. Stay safe with it, just do it in a corrective manner and be calm. Most abuses happen when the parent is very angry and can't control themselves. If the parent is very angry, have the child wait in a room for the spanking so that parent can calm down first. Tell the child why he is getting spanked. Knox explains that "Usually, the adult plans to discipline the child for a wrongdoing. He spanks to teach the child a lesson, but, as the disciplinary incident progresses, the hitting becomes harder, and the child ends up seriously hurt" (Knox 1). As long as the child is spanked correctly, it's not child abuse, it's great parenting. Proverbs 13: 24, "Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him." Spanking is a form of love towards the child. A parent wants their child to grow into a successful human being so in order to get things right early they spank them. Tell the child that the spanking is only being done out of love, they may not think so but eventually will learn that it was out of love. Sometimes love…show more content…
There might be some instances where spanking isn't necessary because it is a minor screw up by the child. Preston explains that, "There is no doubt that spanking is an intense (strong) punishment, stronger than sitting in a chair or staying home. An intense punishment is needed when other forms of punishment aren't getting the job done" (Preston 1). Sitting in a chair is not a bad form of punishment, neither is staying home, but sometimes that doesn't get the job done. The child should always know that spanking is used as the top punishment. Children should know that parents don't want to give their child a spanking. This could help the other forms of punishment work even better. Like they are on a team together. The parent can use spanking to make the child learn after he refuses to get better from the other forms of punishment. The parents are in charge, the children need to know that. The child should know that if he refuses to obey after the time-out, then he will get spanked and that will hurt. Preston shows that he agrees with this by saying, "You sometimes need intense punishment, and spanking is about the strongest, most intense punishment there is" (Preston 1). A parent, if they want to, can save the punishment of spanking as a last resort. They can use what they believe is a good form of punishment and what they believe will fix the problem, but if the time comes to where those
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