Performance Appraisal Definition

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Meaning Of Performance Appraisal: A “Performance Appraisal” is a process where it checks out the employees performance by providing and fulfilling their requirements in the job for the future development. It is said that a group of employees are given a job which consist of formal procedures that has been used in the working conditions of the organization by evaluating employees personalities, contributions as well the potential too. Performance Appraisal is the step when the management finds out how effective it has been at hiring and placing employees. Definition of Performance Appraisal: According to New Strom, “It is the process of evaluating the performance of employees, sharing that information with them searching for ways to improve…show more content…
• Enhance work effectiveness in the organization and helps in maintaining harmony. Process of performance appraisal: 1. Establish Performance Standards: The appraisal process begins with the establishment of per¬formance standards. The managers must identify what are the end results that has to be accomplished and the skills which are used for evaluation. Based on the job analysis and job descriptions the evaluation takes place on these standards. These performance standards should also be clear and understood by the employees. The performance should be measured according to the performance Standards of the organization .The standards that has been expressed should not be in a vague manner such as “a good job” or “a full day’s work” as these vague phrases tells nothing. 2. Communicate Performance Expectations to Employees: Once the performance standards are judged that has to be communicated to the respective employees, so that they will come to know what is been expected out of them. From the past experience it indicates that by not communicating standards with the employ¬ees, it may lead to appraisal…show more content…
It says that a five or seven point rating scale accompanies each and every character in the performance and Numbers or descriptive words indicate the level of performance which defines within points the scale. Graphic rating scales also says that the scores of the employees can be compared between each other. • STRAIGHT RANKING METHOD:- This is one of the simplest and oldest method of performance appraisal. With the help of straight raking method, all employees are ranked to check out their overall performance in the organization and it is quite useful for a comparative evaluation too. It requires just a few employees to accept the solution for the small enterprises. Straight ranking method is always based on the rank ordering. It is usually done to find out the employees, best to poor and highest to lowest performance on the basis of their overall performance. • PAIRED COMPARISON
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