Ebola Outbreak

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Introduction Ebola is possibly one of the most terrifying viruses to existing among humans. The virus, which has originated from wild animals, has quickly adapted to infect humans and spread quickly throughout the populations by human-to-human transmission. In the documentary, Ebola: The Plague Fighters, the virus is illustrated as an increasingly deadly disease that could not be controlled. In the beginning public health professionals and medical doctors thought it would only be contained in Africa, however, as populations of people migrate and diffuse to other nations the illness slowly began to creep into Western countries. The severest outbreak shown in the documentary is the Ebola outbreak of 1995 in an African village. Approximately 77% of people infected with the virus died, many being within the first month of the outbreak occurring. The deaths brought fear among the villagers to even take care of their family member if they had the virus.…show more content…
Even taking high safety measures when one of their own, a local nurse, became infected with the Ebola virus. At this point, foreign and local doctors did not know what to do. There were a few infected survivors, but they still carried the virus in their bloodstream. In the film, local doctors were desperate to find a cure for the nurse, so they infused the blood of a survivor to the infected nurse. Even though this was a trial and error method and foreign doctors believed the procedure was too risky; the blood infusion was a success. The nurse started showing signs of progress within a few days. The doctors were also able to save seven out of eight villagers who were

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