Early Roman Architecture

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Essay Questions 1 During the early medieval period, plain exteriors were essential in characterising architecture. The entrances were impressive and elaborate; both during the Carolingian period and beyond. It is critical to note that the elaborate entrances, west-works, were essential in setting the tone for the later Romanesque and Gothic facades. For various centuries, ancient Rome was one of the most powerful nations on the planet considering its military organisation, warfare, engineering, and architecture. Rome focuses on utilising its unique cultural achievements inclusive of the invention of dome and groin vault. Some of the major aspects of art and architecture during the early Roman period include Circus Maximus, Colosseum, Baths of Trajan and the Arch of Titus. Vespasian built Colosseum in the centre of Rome with the intention of appeasing the masses. The piece of art was named after the colossal statue of Nero in the nearby location. Furthermore, the piece of…show more content…
Prior to the art and architecture period, artistry was functional. Incorporation of the architecture period was essential in making architecture beautiful. In the first instance, it is essential to note that Gothic art and architecture period was vital in the utilisation of grand and tall designs, which were crucial in sweeping upwards with height and grandeur (Stokstad and Cothren 520). It is evident in the case of the York Minister in the United Kingdom. Prior to the gothic architecture, architects struggled in their attempts to spread the weight of the heavy stalls. From that perspective, the towers were short under the influence of the thin buildings. Gothic focused on the utilisation of technological innovations to spread the weight of the taller walls and the loftier towers, which was perfect for the cathedrals and
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