Architecture Of Renaissance Art

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According to Dr. Andreas Petzold, the term “‘Romanesque’,” meaning in the manner of the Romans, was first coined in the early 19th century. Today it is used to refer to the period of European art” (Antiquity 1). The church architecture is fundamental to this period; “the Romanesque and Gothic churches were built on the foundations of Carolingian architecture. Charlemagne's early Romanesque architectural achievements were continued by the Holy Roman Emperors Otto I-III, in a style known as Ottonian Art, which morphed into the fully fledged "Romanesque” (Romanesque Art). The church is one of the most iconic buildings in this period, where there are many wall paintings, and sculptures inside for decoration. The Architecture of this period has…show more content…
This period witnessed the discovery of new continents and the reborn of Europe, especially art wise; Renaissance art was founded on classicism - an appreciation of the arts of Classical Antiquity, a belief in the nobility of Man, as well as artistic advances in both linear perspective and realism. It evolved from three main Italian cities: first Florence, then Rome, and lastly Venice.” (History of Renaissance Art). Renaissance was heralded through the recovery by Italian scholars of Greek and Roman classical literature and it was primarily a time of the revival of classical learning and wisdom after a long period of cultural decline and stagnation (The Renaissance 2). The art of Renaissance transformed from two-dimensional to three-dimensional, created a more realistic touch to the…show more content…
During 1450 where the invention of the printing press by Johannes Gutenberg led to the early espousal of printing making (Northern Renaissance). This invention has created a very convenient experience to the workers in order to make more fast copies of newspaper, and books. This invention has a close connection with the Protestant Reformation and the translation of the Bible from the original languages into the vernacular or common languages such as German and French (Northern Europe 5). Where the printing press allows the spread of the Bible to a bigger range, but because of this, the reformation caused a serious problem with the churches; “In most countries of Northern Europe, the Reformation caused a serious loss of patronage and a consequent decline in large-scale religious works. In its place there emerged new traditions of portraiture, and other easel-works, which led ultimately to the wonderful still life’s and genre painting of the Dutch Realism” (Northern Renaissance). In this case, the iconic artist during this period Jan Van Eyck, noted his luminous colors and detailed realism; “Jan van Eyck introduced powerful and influential changes, such as the perfection of oil paint and almost

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