Dbq North Korean War Research Paper

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North Korea from Communists and unite Korea under pro-western civilization. There was a dilemma for UN/US troops, if they continue war in North Korea, China would have definitely engaged in War. However, United Nation and US have thought that there was no possibility of intervention from China and USSR. Chinese intervention in Korea was a response to US and UN forces for passing the 38th parallel. For Chinese, Taiwan case was another and most significant factor to act against US in War. China believed that US have always sophisticated non-aggression policy but the reality that China was in, was different of what Washington was saying constantly. US intentions in North Korea were another step after trying of annexing and liberating the Taiwan. China feared that it would lose the “Chinese territories”. Though, it should be pointed out MacArthur’s motives in Korean War. He believed that progressive system (communism) could destroy America and western powers physically and he believed that annexation of North Korea was a real. Mao and his followers would decide whether to behave against their will and engage in…show more content…
Of course, Mao did not realize the final effects of the War, as Truman’s administration did not expect Chinese intervention. However, if we compare China and US, Washington had more opportunity to win the War if USSR would not support Mao Zedong. Because Chinese intervention in War occurred later, makes it evident that they had no long-term calculated plans and strategies in War. To make assumption about Chinese role in Korea, it was decisive power in favor of USSR and DPRK. However, primary motivation for China was security interests inside the country. While Mao believed that Sino-American clashes were unavoidable and threat from US was realistic. However, South and North Korean War arose into USSR/China-US

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