The Anti-War Movement In Norman Mailer's The Armies Of The Night

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U.S. Marshals ensuring the building, several demonstrators were happenings. Additionally in 1967, the anti-war movement got a arrested. One of them was the writer Norman Mailer, who later wrote a book "The Armies of the Night" where he describes major support when the civil rights leader Martin Luther King Jr. opened up to the world about his restriction to the war on good grounds, condemning the unbalanced number of African-American victims in relation to the aggregate number of killed soldiers. By the beginning of February 1968, a Gallup poll indicated just 35 percent of the population affirmed of Johnson's handling of the war and an entire 50 percent objected. Individuals from the association Vietnam Veterans against the War started to join the anti-war movements. Majority of them were in wheelchairs and on crutches. The demonstration how these veterans are throwing away their medals gained during the war influenced anti-war movements a lot. In 1968 during campaign Nixon, who won the elections, promised to bring back “law and order”. The same year, in his famous speech, he claimed that the wishes of active minority should not surpass the will of “silent majority”. Strains ran higher than ever, followed by…show more content…
government and military. In January 1973 in response to all these demonstrations, Nixon declared the effective end to United States operations in Southeast Asia (A+E Networks 2009). Thus in this case public opinion affected foreign policy lingeringly. Considering the fact that Richard Nixon was re-elected in 1972, i.e. before withdrawal of forces from Vietnam, this case does not prove our first hypothesis. Accordingly, desire toward public support, in this particular case, wish to be elected once again did not change foreign policy decision of Richard

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