Do Volcanoes Affect People

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What is the real meaning behind the word volcano? Do volcanoes erupt more than once? Why do these volcanoes erupt? Why are they dangerous to human beings? All these questions and more you will find out in this essay. There are people who can find out the time of the next volcano eruption and they also can find out if the volcano will erupt again or maybe it won't ever erupt. But how do these people know that? There is something else that has concerned people for many years "earthquakes". This essay will include the meanings of earthquake and volcano. Firstly, let's explain what volcanoes are? A volcano is a vent or chimney which transfers molten rock known as magma from depth to Earth's surface. Magma erupting from a…show more content…
There are some ways that volcanoes can benefit us and some that can kill us. One bad affect is that volcanoes make all the houses, streets and fields covered up with ash it can be removed when it is still wet but if you leave it your house may collapse. If there is too much of ash then it may be impossible to breath. Lava flows too slow so it cannot come on a human being but it can reach houses , streets and the groundings. One way that it benefits people is that it produces fantastic scenery, and it also produces very rich soil for farming. Volcanoes also release gases but which are not that dangerous. It causes some problems if you come to close it may cause respiratory problems, headache, fatigue and it may also sometimes cause blurry vision since it makes the atmosphere not good. There was a deadly volcano eruption in 1815 in Indonesia, the Tambora Volcano it produced a lot of ash, it killed 10,000 people and additional 80,000 people died from crop loss and famine, this eruption was the worst volcano eruption in history. If you see a volcano that lava comes out of it or a lot of smoke more than usual and there may also be ash then be sure that there will be a volcano eruption soon. Do not wait until it erupts run for your…show more content…
What really are they? How do they happen and how do they happen? Can Scientists predict earthquakes? And how are earthquakes recorded? An earthquake is what happens when two blocks of the earth suddenly slip past one another. The surface where they slip is called fault or fault plane. There are four major layers in the earth: the inner core, outer core, mantle and crust. The crust and the top of the mantle make up a thin skin on the surface of the earth. But this thin skin layer is not all in one piece it looks like a puzzle. These pieces keep moving slowly, and bumping into each other, the edges of the plate are called plate boundaries. This plate is very rough, when the plate has moved far enough an earthquake would happen. Earthquakes are recorded by a seismographic network. Each seismic station in the network measures the movement of the ground at the site. There are two ways to measure different aspects of an earthquake. The first one is the magnitude, it is the most common measure of an earthquake's size. The second one is intensity, it is a measure of the shaking and damage caused by the earthquake, this value changes from location to location. Earthquakes produce two types of waves the P-wave(compressional wave) and the S-wave(shear wave). The S-wave is slower but larger than the P-wave and does most of the damage. When scientists know how fast the seismic waves

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