Disparities In Health Care: A Case Study

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As a result of these barriers, certain groups do not receive quality treatment and have worsened health outcomes: “Access to care deteriorates, especially for the very sick or chronically ill or older populations whose health care expenditures tend to be above average. Heath care is about treating whole people, not merely individuals or specific ailments. Limiting access only to those who can afford to pay would automatically raise several social equity issues,” (Chinta, 2013). Even after reports and amendments have been presented, there health care system still has many barriers. The disparities created by providing unequal access to healthcare, have perpetuated a cycle of inequality and racism. There are persistent significant health inequities…show more content…
Increase awareness among physicians and health professionals regarding the disparities. It is required to treat patients as a whole and to provide them with individualized care based on their health needs. The time has come to put an end to racism and inequality in health care by treating all patients as human beings who deserve the right to equal access to health care regardless of race or socioeconomic status. A specific legal framework can be an organizational tool for action by developing strategies to eliminate gaps in care based on race and socioeconomic status. Derose et al, focuses on reducing the disparities in health care access by incorporating public health, which has three main functions: “assurance, assessment, and policy development,” (Derose et al , 2011). Through these functions, public health agencies will be able to assess the disparities and address them by providing equitable access to treatments, immunizations and testing. Initiatives need to focus on access, cost and quality of health care. In order to ensure access to quality health care, “public health agencies could hold the health care system accountable for disparities [through] the accountable care organization structure proposed in the Affordable Care Act, which calls for networks of physicians and other providers to work together to improve the quality of health care services and reduce costs for a defined patient population...Addressing downstream disparities in health care access is likely to have the greatest benefits for those in poor health and without access to quality care, “Derose et al, 2011). By focusing on these aspects, as well as implementing health policies, increasing awareness and building partnerships, the health of racial and ethnic minorities will improve. Therefore, public and

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