Population Health Models

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Chapter 5: Population Health Medical and Population Health Models & The Influences of Social Determinants on Health Behavior and Outcomes In all countries, health discriminates. Social conditions distribute health resources unequally resulting in unfair health inequity between groups (10 facts on health, 2017). Different populations have systemic differences leading to different levels of health and longevity. Economic environments, physical environments, genetics, medical care, and behaviors all interact to determine health outcomes (Russo, 2015). Health care is the broad concept that these determinants of health all work together to determine an individual’s overall health. The population health model considers social, economic, health,…show more content…
Some studies have shown wealth increases access to safe neighborhoods for outdoor exercise (Sightings, 2012). Childcare, gym memberships, and free time may also be reasons why the wealthiest in the US to exercise more. Wealthy people have better access to medical care. Wealthier people have health insurance, can afford prescriptions, and can afford medical expenses. Research shows the rich can expect to live longer than those with lower income even when lower-income Americans have health insurance (Russo, 2015). Wealthy people eat healthier food. Wealthy people have the means and access for the purchase of healthier food. In addition, they have the education to understand nutritional choices and health benefits of a nutrient based diet. Furthermore, they tend to make the choice to purchase fresher and healthier foods. Low-income people suffer more from stress. Members of ethnic and racial minorities, suffer extreme amounts of stress in response to chronic discrimination (Russo,…show more content…
People with more self-control are less likely to develop health problems, less likely to suffer from an addiction, and less likely to end up poor. People who are less impulsive less likely to smoke, commit a crime, or have an unwanted pregnancy than people who are more impulsive. The ability to delay gratification is also a key component for completing higher education programs which leads to more wealth which increases health. The determinants of health are cumulative and difficult to examine individually (Sightings, 2012). Population health is also concerned with health policies at the global, state, national, and local levels. Although smoking cigarettes is considered a personal choice, population health models examine policies that influence the decisions people make. Smoking laws, taxes, and advertising all seek to influence personal choice. Tobacco companies spend huge amounts of money convince people to choose to purchase cigarettes. Population health tries to alter society’s view of cigarette smoking and make it less appealing by first studying smokers’ behaviors and then creating targeted interventions (Russo, 2015). Leading Determinants of Health: Weighting the Different Domains & Health

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