Discourse Community

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Many of us belong to several different discourse communities regardless of whether or not we know which groups those actually are. There are three groups that first come to mind when I think of the discourse communities that I personally identify with: the Dominican, Chicago Bulls Fan, and International Relations Learning Community. International Relations Learning Community My final written artifact is the door tag from my dorm for my International Relations Learning Community. The majority of the people on my floor are a part of this community since we all take this class together. The door tag signifies that the people in that room are part of the learning community. Being a part of this community, we are able to study together but…show more content…
This item is a perfect representation of not only the community but the culture of my country as well. In Dominica we value education, particularly being informed on everything going on in the world but especially what is going on within our island; this is why I have chosen a newspaper as my written artifact. This article was released on Monday, September 1st of this year and is titled “Evil Erika”. On August 28th, Tropical Storm Erika unexpectedly devastated the small Caribbean island with fierce winds and heavy rain, rain that would eventually lead to even worse landslides. Billions of dollars in damages were done after Erika’s reign of terror, leaving the still developing country in the worse conditions it had seen since the likes of Hurricane David in 1979. The article explains the events leading up to the storm and the aftermath providing valuable information to the country’s inhabitants. For me, this artifact is particularly special because this is the newspaper that my family and I used to read when we lived back home and makes me slightly nostalgic of the island lifestyle I had left behind 11 years ago. It embodies all the things that Dominicans pride themselves of: tradition, education, and unity. Although the article is quite somber, I can’t help but to have good feelings about my country, knowing that we will overcome this struggle and emerge even

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