Advantages And Disadvantages Of Virtualization

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Final Exam Virtualization is technology that allows you to create multiple simulated environments or dedicated resources from a single, physical hardware system. Software called a hypervisor connects directly to that hardware and allows you to split 1 system into separate, distinct, and secure environments known as virtual machines (VMs). These VMs rely on the hypervisor’s ability to separate the machine’s resources from the hardware and distribute them appropriately. Virtualization is being used by a growing number of organizations to reduce power consumption and air-conditioning needs and trim the building space and land requirements that have always been associated with server farm growth. Virtualization also provides high availability for…show more content…
With careful planning and expert implementation, these drawbacks can be overcome. Upfront costs of the investment in the virtualization software, and possibly additional hardware might be required to make the virtualization possible. This depends on your existing network. Many businesses have sufficient capacity to accommodate the virtualization without requiring a lot of cash. This obstacle can also be more readily navigated by working with a Managed IT Services provider, who can offset this cost with monthly leasing or purchase plans. Software licensing considerations is becoming less of a problem as more software vendors adapt to the increased adoption of virtualization, but it is important to check with your vendors to clearly understand how they view software use in a virtualized environment. Possible learning curve implementing and managing a virtualized environment will require IT staff with expertise in virtualization. On the user side a typical virtual environment will operate similarly to the non-virtual environment. There are some applications that do not adapt well to the virtualized environment. (Logan,

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