Disadvantages Of International Trade

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Introduction The process of world economic communications development has become one of the major catalysts of the world economy: the steady increase of scales of contacts between the certain states, countries, groups, the national and international organizations has been noted during the whole twentieth century. Undoubtedly, at the present stage international trade plays the increasing role in economic development of the countries, regions and all world community. As throughout the post-war period the cost volumes of the world trade have quickly increased and their average annual growth rates exceeded the growth rates of world production by 1,5 times, nowadays international trade has became a powerful factor of economic growth. But on the…show more content…
Firstly, the definitions for basic terms used in the analysis are given. Further, the advantages of the free trade and its opposite – protectionism policy, are described with the supportive arguments from relevant academic sources referenced. Finally, an overall conclusion on the topic considered is drawn. Definitions of the terms: free trade, protectionism, tariffs and quotas In order to describe the existing theories considering the “trade – protectionism” opposition, it is vitally important to distinguish the meaning of free trade, protectionism, tariffs and quotas terms. In accordance with the dictionary of economics, free trade could be defined as “a policy of unrestricted foreign trade, with no tariffs or subsidies on imports or exports, and no quotas or other trade restrictions” (Black, Hashimzade and Myles, 2009). Protectionism, on the other hand, can be defined as a state economic policy which essence is the protection of home industries or ‘infant industries’, until they are large enough to achieve economies of scale and strong enough to compete internationally, producers and consumers (Fouda 2012) by means of establishment of different…show more content…
According to the Ricardian model, both countries will generate an improvement in welfare if each will specialise in the industry where it has a comparative advantage – an ability to produce at a lower opportunity cost, and if the two countries trade with one another. The movement to free trade and specialization, in these terms, will, in accordance with a model, increase the set of consumption possibilities, compared with autarky, and result in a possible national increase in consumption of both

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