Disadvantages Of Cyber Security

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Country : Democratic People's Republic of Korea Committee : General Assembly Topic : Cyber Warfare and Infringement of Privacy “Cyber warfare involves the actions by a nation-state or international organization to attack and attempt to damage another nation's computers or information networks through, for example, computer viruses or denial-of-service attacks.” While this may be the dictionary definition of cyberwarfare, this vast topic cannot merely be described in a single sentence. Hackers started using cyber-attacks for two main reasons-: Cyber espionage (spying) - Traditional spying is not a deed of war, neither is cyber-espionage and both are usually presumed to be ongoing amid major nation-states or powers to gain illegal access…show more content…
North Korea believes that intrusion into people’s privacy is immoral, however using cyber strength and capabilities for purposes such as protection of a country’s sovereignty and defense of a nation from external threats should be deemed right by the international community. The delegate of DPRK would like to portray that just as weapons are used and frequently updated in a country for self-security, the use of a nation’s cyber network to encounter attacks and insults from other countries should not be criticised on any ground by ‘authoritarian’ countries. In this age and time, new methods of tackling international problems must be introduced - some of them being, to strengthen the already existing cyber forces within a nation and to prevent the interference of other countries in the internal matters of that state. The UN started to become directly involved with the issue of cyber warfare when Russia introduced draft resolution A/RES/53/70 in the General Assembly which acknowledged the increasing dangers of technology. This resolution was adopted by the UNGA without a vote. Since that time there have been annual reports by the Secretary-General to the General Assembly which provide the views of UN Member States on the issue. Additionally, there have been three Groups of Governmental Experts (GGE) that have scrutinized the existing and potential threats from the cybersphere and the possible cooperative measures to address them. The first successful GGE report was issued in 2010 (A/65/201). The UN Security Council has not taken any direct action with regard to cyber warfare. Their involvement has been largely limited to the work of the Working Group on Countering the Use of
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