Advantages And Disadvantages Of Cybercrime

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Leiner, Cerf, Clark, Kahn, Kleinrock, Lynch, Postel, Roberts and Wolff (2012) stated that “the Internet has revolutionized the computer and communications world like nothing before” (p. 1). According to Cross Domain Solutions (n.d.) the Internet is constantly expanding that individuals are able to make connections worldwide. Pondered (2006) concur with Cross Domain Solutions (n.d.); the Internet is a convenient and popular form of communicating with people from various parts of the world. The Internet has numerous of advantages and disadvantages involved with Internet usage. Particularly, the Internet most concerned area of usage is cybercrime. Stefan (2011) defined cybercrime as any criminal act or illegal activities conducted through the…show more content…
Part I of the Computer Misuse Act of 2003 deals with the interpretation of the various computer related terminologies used throughout the Act. As for the Computer Misuse Act of 1990, it does not include any interpretation or referenced any important terminologies. The Computer Misuse Act of 2003 preliminary section will help readers to understand clearly what specifics are included in the Act that it protects. In the future the revision of the Act should consider additional terminologies added so that it is updated with the latest IT and cybercrime…show more content…
According to O’Connor and Rausch, the Convention on Cybercrime has four different categories of criminal offences that includes: (1) offences against the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of computer data and systems; (2) computer-related offences (e.g., computer-related forgery and computer-related fraud); (3) content-related offences (e.g., offences related to child pornography); and (4) offences related to the infringement of copyright and related rights (p. 392). Currently, both Computer Misuse Act of 2003 and Computer Misuse Act of 1990 offences are listed within the Convention on Cybercrime criminal offences except for (3) content-related offences and (4) offences related to the infringement of copyright and related rights. The Computer Misuse Act of 2003 should adopt categories (3) and (4) into future revision of the act simply to reduce any possible loop holes of protecting Internet users against criminal activities. Additionally, new laws can relate to the Convention on Cybercrime offences categories along with assuring that each offense is formulated accordingly to the CIA standard – confidentiality, integrity and availability of information

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