Difference Between Traditional And Traditional Human Resource Management

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“Human Resources Management (HRM) is the term used to describe formal systems devised for the management of people within an organization” (Human Resource Management). These individuals are responsible for staffing, employee compensation and benefits, as well as training and defining work. HRM professionals seek and select appropriate individuals to fill job requirements in order to increase productivity and maximize effectiveness within a company. There are two types of Human Resource Management including traditional HRM and strategic HRM. Both traditional and strategic HRM work similarly to achieve the same goals, however there are some fundamental differences. These similarities and differences lie within the focus, initiatives, control,…show more content…
They also have played a role in training and development that is integral to the functioning of the company for which they work” (The Difference Between). Recruitment is a big part of the traditional process as well. “For instance, the recruitment and selection activity strictly follows laid down norms such as undertaking a job analysis first, advertising the vacancy based on the job specifications and job requirements, collecting resumes, conducting written tests, interviews … as well as creating a rank list based on the published selection criteria” (Human Resource Management Traditional…show more content…
The traditional approach focuses more on each employee as an individual and less on the organization as a whole, whereas strategic HRM, focuses on the opposite. According to Prabhat, “While the traditional HRM focuses mainly on employee relations, Strategic HRM focuses on partnerships with internal and external customers.” Strategic HRM also uses more complex and up-to-date tools. Although traditional Human Resource Management and strategic Human Resource Management differ in many aspects, they can be implemented together to ensure proficiency within a company because both processes build off of one another. Professional writer, Audra Bianca, shares her thoughts on blending traditional and strategic HRM: The HR function can hold onto traditional functions and add new roles to support strategic management of human capital. HR experts can consult with managers about how to execute strategy, suggest ways to improve efficiency in work routines, represent employees' concerns to senior leaders and help manage changes to the organizational culture…” (Bianca,

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