Directors Code Of Ethics Analysis

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One of the major parts in corporate governance is the director’s code of ethics. The system of law in our life today is closely related to ethics where the law is used to enforce definite rights and duties. Code of Ethics for Company Directors also has been listed down in the portal of Suruhanjaya Syarikat Malaysia. This is because; a position of trust with the public, stakeholders, officers and the employees of the corporation is hold by the director. So the director’s code of ethics is the written set of guidelines issued by an organization to its directors to help them conduct their action in accordance with its primary values and ethical standards. Director is the one who supervise, regulate and controls an organization or usually understand…show more content…
The fiduciary duties refer to the relationship between a people in the position of trust which is the director (the fiduciary) with the person who benefit the fiduciary acts. While the statutory of a director is certain information of the company is required to be disclose and this is based on the Companies Act 1965 in Section 131. In the director’s duty duties of care, skill and diligence, the directors need to exhibit the degree of skill reasonably to be expected from their knowledge and experience. The code of ethics of director is actually based on the role or duties of directors as the duties of the directors must be done in an ethical…show more content…
Then the directors also have to make sure that the company is effectively managed and properly control for all the time as well as the director must make times to attend meetings and knowing the requirements of the board and each of the directors in order to discharge those functions. The directors also must insisted themselves on being kept informed for all matters which importance to the company to make sure an effective corporate management. The company secretary which is responsible to the board which acts to ensure a proper rules, regulations and procedure must be refer by the directors to access advices and services. The power that the directors have must be used in for the interest of the company not for themselves. They also must be honest which must informed all his contractual interest whether indirectly or directly. The directors must always act with his most good faith in the company when exercising their

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